Development of collaborative and interdisciplinary work skills and competences, in second cycle teachers, at the Nivequetén school in the community of Laja




skills and competencies, collaborative work, interdisciplinarity


The objective of this project is to develop collaborative and interdisciplinary work skills and competencies in second cycle
teachers. Research Design considers a case study. The population considers as a universe all the teachers of the different educational levels of the organization and the sample as participants in the intervention project is the second cycle that involves teachers from 5th to 8th grade of basic education. The instrument for preparing the proposal is an educational improvement project that is designed based on the need that arises from the problem and taking into account the execution possibilities of the educational institution. The results, once all the diagnostic information has been collected, is the design of an improvement proposal that develops skills and competencies on collaborative and interdisciplinary work with second 2nd Cycle teachers to eliminate the myth “that a job of this magnitude generates a greater wear and tear of teachers”, because if carried out properly it can bring benefits and contributions.


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How to Cite

Alvial Fuentes1, N., & Pérez Carvajal, A. (2024). Development of collaborative and interdisciplinary work skills and competences, in second cycle teachers, at the Nivequetén school in the community of Laja. PEM. Revista De Didáctica, Evaluación E Innovación, (5), 44–49.


