Development of competences from curricular design in the Microenterprise Technical Educational Institution of Soledad-Atlántico




curriculum, competence, teaching strategy


The research, whose object is the curricular dimension and the objective is oriented towards the curricular design of the Microenterprise Technical Educational Institution of the municipality of Soledad - Atlántico, takes as a reference the sociocritical paradigm, from a qualitative-quantitative (mixed) approach, and, under the parameters of the concurrent triangulation design (DITRIAC). Methods were used both at the theoretical level and at the empirical level. Empirical methods such as documentary review, surveys and interviews allowed to collect information regarding the curricular design of the institution, the level of development of competencies in students, and the way in which competency-based training is conceived, developed and promoted. Methodological triangulation made it possible to detect that the development of competencies is not favored from the curricular design, therefore, the scientific problem was identified: How to favor the development of competencies in students from the curricular design? The general objective is to design a teaching strategy that favors the development of competencies from the curricular design of the educational institution. The relevance of the teaching strategy was assessed by experts through the Delphy Method, who endorsed it taking into account the criteria of relevance, viability and feasibility.


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Author Biography

Dr.(c) Marilin Urbay Rodríguez, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Profesora Titular


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pulido, C. P., Vega Berdejo, A. C., & Urbay Rodríguez, M. (2024). Development of competences from curricular design in the Microenterprise Technical Educational Institution of Soledad-Atlántico. PEM. Revista De Didáctica, Evaluación E Innovación, (5), 50–58.


